It was so fun to walk around the market and see all the fresh food. But after seeing the live eels and the duck with its beak still attached my family wasn't so sure about eating any food there.
We made a video of the live eels swimming around it was a little crazy.
Ummm...not sure what I think about the video? Thanks for sharing I think??? lol
They're slaughtering eels! I'd think Cajsa (I just had a brain freeze, or a mom with 4 kids brain melt down so not sure that's even close to the right spelling) would be upset about that with her cute little activist self! That was kind of gross and fascinating at the same time. Birmingham is our temple out here in Florida and we were thinking of going next week which led me to mapquest which led me to see Columbus on the map which led me to think of my pilot training friends! Just thinking of you and hoping all is well. Sure sounds like you guys are enjoying life! Love to peek in and see it. thanks for sharing!
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